News archive

Study protocol published to evaluate the sustainability of KaziBantu
Publication of the study protocol to evaluate the sustainability of a school-based health intervention for prevention of non-communicable diseases in marginalised communities - News from the KaziBantu project
World Teachers’ Day: Celebrating heroes who make a difference
In honor of world teachers’ day - a short story about teachers who have made a difference in the KaziBantu project
KaziKidz Teaching Material for Foundation Phase, Grade 1-3: Teaching resources for Life Skills Teachers in the Foundation Phase Curriculum
News from Thandi and Kazi-Blue and -Green from the KaziBantu project - book accepted for publication by Mandela University Press and African Sun Media Publishing House
Physical activity and cardiorespiratory fitness in children from Côte d'Ivoire, South Africa, and Tanzania
News from the KaziAfya project - a study among primary schoolchildren from three African study settings
Associations of growth impairment and body composition among South African school-aged children enrolled in the KaziAfya project
News from the KaziAfya study
Household socioeconomic status, car ownership, physical activity and cardiorespiratory fitness
Associations between household socioeconomic status, car ownership, physical activity, and cardiorespiratory fitness in South African primary schoolchildren living in marginalized communities. News from the KaziAfya study
Hypertension among South African children
Hypertension among South African children in disadvantaged areas and associations with physical activity, fitness and cardiovascular risk markers. News from the DASH study
Academic achievement and inhibitory control
How are academic achievement and inhibitory control associated with physical fitness, soil-transmitted helminth infections, food insecurity and stunting among South African primary schoolchildren? News from the KaziAfya project
Prevalence of stunting and relationship between stunting and associated risk factors with academic achievement and cognitive function: a cross-sectional study with South African primary school children
News from the KaziAfya project