News archive


Assessing physical activity in South African children living in disadvantaged settings: Implications for cardiovascular health

In a recent publication, researchers from the KaziBantu project compared two commonly used methods for evaluating physical activity levels in children living in Gqeberha, South Africa, shedding light on their connection to cardiometabolic…

World Heart Day is on 29 September

The UNESCO Chair's research supports the goals of World Heart Day.
KaziKidz in Ethiopia

The KaziKidz teaching and learning materials are disseminated in Ethiopia

Increasing healthy living options for schoolchildren in Africa today to decrease cardiovascular complications tomorrow.
CEREPS Conference

CEREPS Conference

The CEREPS (European Council of Research in Physical Education & School Sport) conference will take place at the DSBG from 12 - 15 October 2023.
KaziKidz Pre-Primary

A School Readiness Programme - KaziKidz developed for the Pre-Primary level

KaziKidz Pre-Primary lessons have been developed and designed in collaboration with colleagues from the University of Namibia (UNAM) and in conjunction with the curriculum from Namibia.
UNESCO - Fit for Life

The UNESCO Chair was represented at the MINEPS VII Conference

MINEPS VII is a global conference engaging governments, athletes, private sector, and other stakeholders to increase investment in sport, improve sport practices, foster quality physical education, and magnify the positive impact of sport…
Annual Report

DSBG Annual Report from 2020 / 21 / 22

2020, 2021 and 2022 were three eventful years for the Department of Sport, Exercise and Health (DSBG). This annual report provides an overview of the events during this period

KaziPlay project - an initiative that aims to improve playgrounds and sanitation in schools

News from the KaziBantu Study

Promoting Physical Education

News from the Siyaphakama Zwide Schools Project
UNESCO Chairs Switzerland

The UNESCO Chairs from Switzerland met for an exchange in Berne under the leadership of the Swiss UNESCO Commission

The Swiss UNESCO Commission intensifies the coordination of the Swiss UNESCO Chairs within UNESCO - 2023 Meeting of the UNESCO Chairs in Switzerland