The UNESCO Chair was represented at the MINEPS VII Conference

MINEPS VII is a global conference engaging governments, athletes, private sector, and other stakeholders to increase investment in sport, improve sport practices, foster quality physical education, and magnify the positive impact of sport on health, society and the economy.
The conference was a valuable occasion for sport ministers and other stakeholders to define the future of the sport-for-development ecosystem, culminating with the launch of the Fit for Life Alliance. Prof Uwe Pühse and Dr Ivan Müller participated on behalf of the UNESCO Chair on 'Physical Activity and Health in Educational Settings' at the International Conference of Ministers and Senior Officials Responsible for Physical Education and Sport (MINEPS VII) conference in Baku in the Democratic Republic of Azerbaijan.
From the Chair's point of view, valuable discussions and talks were held with education experts and UNESCO delegates from the countries where the Chair has its focus and emphasis. The mutual exchange could on the one hand reveal needs in the field of Physical Education, but on the other hand also possible strategies to jointly address these difficulties in the sense of the UNESCO programme Quality Physical Education (QPE). Furthermore, the UNESCO Chair from the University of Basel has applied for the Fit for Life Alliance from UNESCO and is currently in the evaluation process.
For the first time, the Conference was preceded by a Multistakeholder Forum (26 - 27 June 2023) gathering high-level representatives from the private sector, development banks, athletes, and mayors to engage in a collective discussion on the importance of measuring the impact of sport to foster participation, attract investments and improve individual and societal wellbeing. More detailed information about the MINEPS VII conference and its results can be found via the two links below.