KaziBantu webinar with representatives of the Ministry of Education from Mauritius

On 9 December 2020, a webinar was held as part of the KaziBantu project in collaboration with the Mauritius Institute of Education. The Human Movement Science Department of Nelson Mandela University was also involved.
The event was organised by Dr Stefanie Gall (DSBG) and Dr Sookhenlall Padaruth (MIE). As part of the work of the UNESCO Chair 'Physical Activity and Health in Educational Settings', the KaziBantu research team presented findings and experiences from the implementation of the KaziKidz programme. Numerous representatives from the Institute of Education and the Ministry of Education of Mauritius were present. Mauritius is on the verge of an education reform of the school subject of Physical Education and Health. The webinar discussed whether and how the contents of the KaziBantu toolkit can be adapted to the local context in order to integrate parts of the teaching material into the new curriculum in Mauritius.