Celebrating five years of driving action for SDG 4


Photo credit (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization [UNESCO], Paris).

The Global Education Coalition (GEC) is celebrating its fifth anniversary on the driving action for Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 4.

The Global Education Coalition (GEC) is a multi-stakeholder platform that has tackled education challenges with the aim of achieving Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 4: ‘Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all’ . With its vision and mission, the UNESCO Chair has SDG 4 as a strategic focus in its core area and contributes to SDG 4 by:

  • Providing study materials for primary schoolchildren - The KaziKidz Teaching Material - to contribute to health literacy.
  • To offer teachers a health program - KaziHealth: Teachers' Health Promotion Programme - that will contribute to improving relevant health parameters.

Furthermore, researchers from the UNESCO Chair Team at Nelson Mandela University conduct the Short Learning Programs (SLPs) for in-service teacher training, addressing the current teacher shortage in South Africa. The SLP aims to improve and develop teachers' current pedagogical knowledge and didactic skills in the field of Physical Education. The SLP for the primary Foundation school phase (grades 1-3) and the SLP for the Intermediate and Senior school phase (grades 4-7) have been accredited by the South African Council for Educators.

For further information either contact UNESCO Chair Holder Prof. em. Uwe Pühse (uwe.puehse@clutterunibas.ch), or UNESCO Co-Chair Holder Prof. em. Cheryl Walter (cheryl.walter@cluttermandela.ac.za), and/or download the Pdf report using the link below: